by Marco Witter | Jul 25, 2022
Tile spacers reusable with spigot inexpensive and environmentally friendly « zurück zur Übersicht Data Table Product properties: With the spigot in the middle, the tile spacer can be neatly placed and removed again. However, if the tile spacer is to be left in the...
by Marco Witter | Jul 25, 2022
Tile spacers reusable with bracket inexpensive and environmentally friendly « zurück zur Übersicht Data Table Product Properties: With the handle in the middle, the tile spacer can be placed precisely. The brackets ensure that the tile cross lies flat on the tiles and...
by Marco Witter | Jul 25, 2022
T Spacers for laying wall and floor tiles with offset joints « zurück zur Übersicht Data Table Product properties: T spacers are placed between the tiles and guarantee an even joint width. All parts are made from environmentally friendly polyethylene (PE) using at...
by Tobias Völker | Jun 27, 2022
Tile spacers Standard Short or hollow version - better tile guidance « zurück zur Übersicht Data Table Product properties: ile spacers are placed between the tiles and guarantee an even joint width. All parts are made from environmentally friendly polyethylene (PE)...
by Tobias Völker | May 24, 2022
GAPdisc - Mehrfachfliesenabstandhalter 4-in-1-Fliesenabstandhalter « zurück zur Übersicht Datentabelle zur Produktgruppe Produkteigenschaften: Der innovative 4-in-1-Fliesenabstandhalter ist wiederverwendbar, universell einsetzbar und sehr robust. Universell Mit den...