Tile spacers reusable with spigot

Tile spacers reusable with spigot

Tile spacers reusable with spigot inexpensive and environmentally friendly « zurück zur Übersicht Data Table Product properties: With the spigot in the middle, the tile spacer can be neatly placed and removed again. However, if the tile spacer is to be left in the...
Tile spacers reusable with bracket

Tile spacers reusable with bracket

Tile spacers reusable with bracket inexpensive and environmentally friendly « zurück zur Übersicht Data Table Product Properties: With the handle in the middle, the tile spacer can be placed precisely. The brackets ensure that the tile cross lies flat on the tiles and...
T Spacers

T Spacers

T Spacers for laying wall and floor tiles with offset joints « zurück zur Übersicht Data Table Product properties: T spacers are placed between the tiles and guarantee an even joint width. All parts are made from environmentally friendly polyethylene (PE) using at...
Tile spacers Standard

Tile spacers Standard

Tile spacers Standard Short or hollow version - better tile guidance « zurück zur Übersicht Data Table Product properties: ile spacers are placed between the tiles and guarantee an even joint width. All parts are made from environmentally friendly polyethylene (PE)...


GAPdisc - Mehrfachfliesenabstandhalter 4-in-1-Fliesenabstandhalter « zurück zur Übersicht Datentabelle zur Produktgruppe Produkteigenschaften: Der innovative 4-in-1-Fliesenabstandhalter ist wiederverwendbar, universell einsetzbar und sehr robust. Universell Mit den...